Dr. Priyavada

Dr. Priyavada

Assistant Professor

School of Basic & Applied Sciences

I am Priyavada Assistant Professor in Department of Mathematics (SOBAS), Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth. My area of Research is “Study of Optimization problems by using evolutionary computational Approach” in applied Mathematics. I did by B.Sc. (Mathematics) from MDU, M.Sc. (Mathematics) from Banasthali University, Rajasthan and B.Ed. from MDU, Haryana and Ph.D from Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth. I have attended two international conferences and seven Faculty Development program and three workshop.


  1. Priyavada and Dr. Vijay Vir Singh, A fuzzy Logic Based Approach to non-linear Optimization Problems Involving Linear Approximation Relationship. TuijinJishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology, ISSN: 1001-4055, Vol.44 No.5(2023).
  2. Priyavada and Dr. Binay Kumar,” Solution of Non- Linear Optimization Problems using Differential Evolution, Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm: A Comparative Study”. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, ISSN: 2094-0343, 2326-9865, Vol.72 No.1 (2023), http://philstat.org.ph.
  3. Priyavada, V. V. Singh, Modified Particle Swarm Optimization incorporated an integrated approach for solution of Quadratic Programming Problems using Penalty Method, accepted for publication Dec 2023; JNANABHA, ISSN 0304-9892 (Print), ISSN2455-7463 (Online) (UGC Approved: Half Yearly Journal of Mathematical Sciences) regularly published by      VIJNANA PARISHAD OF INDIA since 1971. It will appear in JNANABHA, Vol.54 (1) (June 2024).

Book Chapter

  1. 1. Priyavada and Dr. Binay Kumar, Artificial Intelligence and soft Computing Driven Evolutionary Computation Algorithm for solving Unconstrained Non-Linear Problems, CRC  press, Taylor &Francis Group, in Edge Computational Intelligence for AI-Enabled IoT  Systems, DOI:10.120/9781032650722-15.
  1. Priyavada and Dr. Binay kumar, A Review of Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Method. Computing and Optimization, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 2023.404, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-6406-0_3.


  • Oral presentation entitled “A Review of Modified PSO Methods” in Virtual International Conference on Soft Computing, Optimization Theory and Applications, SCOTA 2021.
  • Paper presented entitled “Evolutionary Computation approach to Solution of Unconstraint Non-Linear Programming Problems using Genetic algorithm and Artificial bee colony algorithm” in International conference on Emerging trends in mathematical sciences and Computing (IEMSC-23) at Kolkata, India during 3rd to 5th February,2023.

Faculty Development Program/workshop

  • Attend Workshop on “Python for data science” organized by Department of Information Technology and electronics and Telecommunication, G H Raisoni College of engineering and Management, Pune from 5th to 17th July 2021.
  • Attended Workshop on “Recent Trends in Science and Technology” as Oral presentation held at Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad on 13th April, 2022.
  • Attended Workshop on “Aspects of Material Science & Engineering-I (WAMSE-I)-2021, held in the Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad, Haryana on 22-23 February 2021.
  • Attend Workshop on “Project Writing for grants & Research Paper writing” Organized by Research foundation of India and RFI care from 11 March to 12 March 2024.
  • Attend IFDP on “Business Analytics and Business Intelligence “jointly organized by Deccan Education Society’s, Chintamanrao Institute of Management Development and Research-sangli, Research Foundation of India & RFI-Care from 21-28 August 2023.
  • Attend FDP on “A step-by-step Guide to write a good Research Paper” Organized by Research Foundation of India & RFI-care from 9 June to 18 June 2023.
  • Attend FDP on “Exploring Dynamics of National Education Policy 2020 (With Respective to NAAC Perspectives)” jointly organized by Research Foundation of India & RFI-Care from 18-26 March 2024.

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