Dr. Tapsi Nagpal

Dr. Tapsi Nagpal

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Dr. Tapsi Nagpal, a distinguished scholar with doctorate in Transformer Fault Diagnosis Systems from Thapar University, Patiala, and advanced degrees in graduation and post-graduation from PTU, Jalandhar, currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Faridabad. With over a decade of experience in academia, Dr. Nagpal has developed a profound understanding of the engineering curriculum, encompassing academic research and industry applications, which has significantly enriched her teaching and scholarly work.

Dr. Nagpal has made significant contributions to her field, publishing twelve research articles and two book chapters in esteemed peer-reviewed journals. She holds eleven patents recognized at both national and international levels. Additionally, Dr. Nagpal has presented numerous papers and served as chairperson at various respected national and international conferences. She has delivered eleven expert talks internationally and received a Letter of Appreciation as a resource person during a training session organized by the Training, Learning & Development Department of the International Internship University. Her roles extend to serving as a session chair, keynote speaker, and organizer of various technical events including seminars, workshops, faculty development programs, and technical conferences. Furthermore, she is a valued reviewer for prominent journals under IEEE, Elsevier, and Springer.

SCI Indexed Journals

  1. Tapsi Nagpal, Yadwinder Singh Brar, “Transformer Fault Detection by Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System,” Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, 2014 (SCI Indexed, IF=5.6)
  1. Nagpal, Tapsi and Brar, Yadwinder Singh. “Expert System based Fault Detection of Power Transformer,” Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Vol 12, pp. 208-214, 2015. (SCI Indexed, IF=0.173)
  1. Ritu Dewan, Sharik Ahmad, Arun Kumar Rana, Tapsi Nagpal, Vinish Kumar, Ngangbam Herojit Singh, V. D. Ambeth Kumar, Awnish Kumar “IoT-Based Energy Efficient and Longer Lifetime Compression Approach for Healthcare Applications” Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, e4843 (IF: 4, Q1 Category Journal, SCI Indexed)
  1. Sudha Chaturvedi, Tapsi Nagpal, Wisam Subhi Al-Dayyeni, Arun Kumar Rana, Ahmed Elaraby “Spatial Analytics Based Faster Data Mining for Frequent Travel Pattern”, Journal of Data and Information Quality (Communicated)
  1. Neha Gupta, Devender Chauhan, Tapsi Nagpal, Shwetta “Wavelet method for numerical solutions of mechanistic model involving machine learning method to diagnose cancerous ovarian cysts” Journal of Numerical Mathematics (Communicated)

Scopus Indexed Journals

  1. Hari Krishna K., Nagpal, Tapsi & Suresh Babu, Y. “A New Sort of Study upon Devices Life Span Advancement Techniques with Wireless Sensor Communities” in IJCSNS, ISSN: 1738-7906, Vol.22, No.07, pp 51-56, 2022.
  1. Hari Krishna K., Nagpal, Tapsi & Suresh Babu, Y. “Vitality Efficiency Info Gathering using Shortest Route in WSN’s”, Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2395-5295, VOLUME -8 & ISSUE- 1 Jan Issue, pp 167-172, 2022.
  1. Thakur Ritesh  Bankat,  SVAV  Prasad,  Mala  Reddy  &  Tapsi  Nagpal “Requirement Gathering and Classification: An Engineering Perspective”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075, VOLUME – 11 & ISSUE- 11 October Issue, pp 25-28, 2022.
  1. Chaturvedi, S., Nagpal, T., Efficient Querying and Indexing of Moving Data Objects, IEEE INCOFT 2022, International Conference on Futuristic Technologies, Belgaum, India (25th Nov -27th Nov 2022)
  1. Chaturvedi, S., Nagpal, T., An Application for Road Network Data Management and Querying, 2022 Global Conference for Advancement in Technology, 3RD EDITION GCAT, India, 2022.
  1. Chaturvedi, S., Nagpal, T., Tiwari, V.S., Building Structures 3-D Modeling for Indoor Routing, IEEEINCOFT 2022, International Conference on Futuristic Technologies, Belgaum, India (25th Nov -27th Nov 2022)
  1. Chaturvedi, S., Nagpal, T., An Open Source Information Technology Based Application for Spatial Resources Storage and Visualization, ECO- 2022, National Conference on Air, Water and Soil, 2022.
  1. Chaturvedi, S., Nagpal, T., Tiwari, V.S., Lempel-Ziv-Welch based Horizontally Scalable Route Prediction, IEEEINCOFT 2022, International Conference on Futuristic Technologies, Belgaum, India (25th Nov -27th Nov 2022).
  1. Agarwal, Kavita, and Tapsi Nagal, “Analysis of the Genome Sequence for the Purpose of Understanding the Causes and Treatments of Bipolar  Disorder  and  Related  Disorders”  Journal  of  Propulsion Technology, Vol. 44, Issue 5, 2023.
  1. Agarwal, Kavita; Nagpal, Tapsi; Mishra Kumar, Ravi “Understanding the Causes and Treatments of Bipolar Disorder and Related Disorders through Genome Sequence Analysis”, Migration Letters, Vol. 21, No. S5, 2023.
  1. Ritu Dewan, Tapsi Nagpal, Arun Kumar Rana, Fatma Masmoudi, Ahmed Elaraby “Smart Building Architecture with IoT Based on Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) for Advanced Security and Energy Efficiency”, Journal of Electrical Systems (Accepted)
  1. Sudha Chaturvedi, Tapsi Nagpal, Dinesh Javalkar “GestureTune & RouteSmart: Revolutionizing Volume Control and Vehicle Navigation”, Journal of Basic Science & Engineering (Accepted)


  1. Dilip Kumar A. Ode, Dr. Madhavrao C, Dr. Vyas Chetan Kumar Prakash Chandra, Dr. Manjunathaiah D, Dr. Mythili Bai K, Dr. Monika Sanyal, Dr. Sumita Mandal, Dr. Tapsi Nagpal, “Multidisciplinary Approach in Research”, Vol. 23, Sweden Publications.
  2. Intelligent Data Driven Techniques for Security of Digital Assets Book Series : Intelligent Data-Driven Systems and Artificial Intelligence under Taylor and Francis Group (Proposal Accepted)


Book Chapters

  1. “Impact of Big Data and IoT in Manufacturing: Next level of Revolution”, accepted by the reviewers and Editor of the Taylor and Francis.
  1. “Secure and Intelligent data-driven technique with IPv6 in Internet of Things Applications” accepted by the reviewers and Editor of the Taylor and Francis.
  1. “Background and research orientation of AI models for Segmentation in Medical Imaging” accepted by reviewers and Editor of the Elsevier.
  1. “Smart Grids: Sources of Security Intimidations, Challenges and Opportunities” accepted by reviewers and Editor of the Elsevier.

National/ International Conferences/FDPs/Workshops/Webinars

  1. Nagpal, Tapsi and Brar, Yadwinder Singh. “Neuro-fuzzy based Transformer Fault Detection,” National Conference on Advances in Metrology in Electrical Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, 19- 21 February, 2014.
  2. Nagpal, Tapsi and Brar, Yadwinder Singh. “Neural network-based Transformer Incipient Fault Detection,” International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering, pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2014
  1. Nagpal, Tapsi and Brar, Yadwinder Singh. “Use of Expert Systems for Fault Detection in Transformer Insulating Oils,” International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, 18-20 November, 2013.
  1. Nagpal, Tapsi and Brar, Yadwinder Singh. “Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics,” International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks, Thapar University, Patiala, 7-9 October, 2011.
  1. Nagpal, Tapsi and Brar, Yadwinder Singh. “Evaluating substation reliability using analysis method: A Case Study”, International Conference on Power System Operations and Control, Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana, 20-22 December, 2010.
  1. Nagpal, Tapsi and Brar, Yadwinder Singh. “Energy Conservation and Energy Auditing,” IEE Sponsored National Conference on Power Engineering Practices & Energy Management (PEPEM’05), Thapar University, Patiala.
  1. Nagpal Tapsi, “Renewable Energy Resources,” SCINTILLA-2K5, Adesh Institute of Engineering and Technology, Faridkot, 9 March, 2005.
  1. Nagpal Tapsi, “Solar Energy Systems,” ASTRON-2K1, Lala Lajpat Rai Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moga, 13-14 October, 2001.
  1. Faculty Development Program – Deep Learning & Computer Vision in Image & Video Analysis – 25th October to 16th November, 2021.


  1. Faculty Development Program – Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development– 21st March to 27th March, 2022.
  1. Faculty Development Program – Recent Advances in Renewable Energy Technologies for Sustainable Development– 4th April, 2022 to 6th April, 2022.
  1. Faculty Development Program – Inclusion of Innovative Research in Education for Smart Agriculture, 7th May to 13th May, 2022.
  2. International Webinar – Goal Orientation, 24th November, 2022.
  3. Faculty Development Program – Scaling Up Professional Education Through New Paradigm of Entrepreneurship Development– 1st December, 2022 to 7th December, 2022.
  1. Chaudhary, R., Nagpal, T., & Ganguli, S. “A unified approach to modeling and control of induction motors using chaos based artificial gorilla troop optimizer. In 4th International Conference on Modern Mathematical Methods and High-Performance Computing in Science and Technology” Springer, held on 22-24th December, 2022.
  1. Chaudhary, R., Nagpal, T., & Ganguli, S. “Delta Operator-Based Modelling and Control of High-Power Induction Motor Using Novel Chaotic  Gorilla  Troop  Optimizer”  in  International  Conference  on Innovations in Data Analytics (pp. 61-70). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  1. Faculty Development Program – Research Methods, Tools & Techniques for Multidisciplinary Research Design – 20th February, 2023 to 26th February, 2023.
  1. Faculty Development Program – Applied AI & Deep Learning in Healthcare Data Analysis – 27th March, 2023 to 12th April, 2023.
  1. R Dewan, T Nagpal, S Ahmad, AK Rana, SMN Islam “Secure and Energy-Efficient  Framework  for  Internet  of  Medical  Things  (IoMT) based Healthcare System” at the International Conference on Data Science and Network Engineering (ICDSNE 2023). 21-22 July, 2023
  1. R Dewan, T Nagpal, S Ahmad, AK Rana, SMN Islam “Security and Energy Efficiency Enhancement for the Internet of Things: Challenges, Architecture and Future Research” at the International Conference on Data Science and Network Engineering (ICDSNE 2023) organized National Institute of Technology Agartala, India, during 21st July to 22nd July 2023.
  1. Faculty Development Program – Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning – 8th April, 2024 to 13th April, 2022.
  1. Patent entitled “Machine Learning Based Chip Control Oxygen Concentrator with Filter” with application number 394751-001 (Granted)
  1. Patent entitled “Biosensor Device to Detect Lung Cancer using Machine Learning” with application number 396129-001 (Granted)
  1. Patent entitled “Machine Learning Based Biomedical Image Analysis Device for Accurate Detection of Disease” with application number 397342-001 (Granted)
  1. Patent entitled “Smart Soil Sampling Stick using Machine Learning” with application number 397766-001 (Granted)
  1. Patent entitled “Oral cancer Detection using Deep Learning” with application number 202321054868 (Granted)
  1. Patent entitled “Artificial Intelligence Based Automated Activation Mechanism Integrated Ktype Fire Extinguisher Mobile Robot” with application number 202321045683 (Granted)
  1. Patent entitled “Novel IoT Based Digital Hydroponic Nutrient Prediction Device in Soilless Cultivation System” with application number 202311045945 (Granted)
  1. Patent entitled “A system for advanced access control and surveillance in a smart home and a method thereof” with application number ZA202205530B (Published)
  1. Patent entitled “An IOT-based robotic system for advanced access control and surveillance” with application number DE202022103739U1 (Published)
  1. Patent entitled “An IoT-based access control system for healthcare applications” with application number DE202022104892U1 (Published)
  1. Patent entitled “An IoT-based home automation system for people with disabilities” with application number DE202022104535U1 (Published)
  1. Patent entitled “An IoT based intelligent farming system” with application number DE202022103185U1 (Published)
  1. Patent entitled “IOT based Laser Composite Material Cutting Machine” with application number DE202022103185U1 (Published)
  1. Patent entitled  “An  IOT  Based  Automatic  System  for  Producing OrganicVermi-Compost”withapplicationnumber DE202023104309U1 (Published)
  1. Patent entitled “System for Fog Computing in IOT based Routing Protocol and Method Thereof” with application number 202321086455 (Published)
  1. Patent entitled “Internet of Medical (IOM) Things based System and Method for Healthcare” with application number 202321086456 (Published)
  • Received Letter of Appreciation for being a Resource Person for the Training Session conducted by Training, Learning & Development Department of the International Internship University
  • Expert for Technical Session – 2nd International Conference on Climate Change, ICCC 2022, 6th September, 2022.
  • Expert for Technical Session – 2nd International SDG Conference: Living Sustainability Transform the World, SDG 4, Quality Education – Part III, 24th September, 2022.
  • Session Chair – 4th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control & Networking, 16th – 17th December, 2022.
  • Expert for Technical Session – Impact of AI in Higher Education and Research: Future World, 23rd – 31st May, 2022
  • Session Chair – 5th IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control & Networking, 15th – 16th December, 2023.

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