Lingaya's Vidyapeeth (Deemed-to-be University) u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956
Dr. K. K. Garg

Dr. K. K. Garg

Professor and Dean (R & D)

SOCM and Research & Development

Professor K K Garg is presently working as Dean (R & D) & professor of quantitative techniques, Business Mathematics and Operations Management in School of Commerce & Management (SCOM), Lingayas Vidyapeeth, Faridabad. Prof Garg academic & research interests lie in the applications of quantitative tools to tackle real –life problems of the corporate world in the areas of quality assurance, six sigma, banking and finance, Data analytics, & operations management. He is passionate & dedicated about helping students by supplementing the course curriculum with practical, real world application and insights. Prof Garg developed 22 case studies to prepare students to take a straight plunge into streams of mathematics, statistics and operation research in the diverse areas of business management.   He holds PGDM from Institute of Productivity & Management, Ghaziabad & M.Sc. (Mathematics), M.A. (Economics) and Ph.D in total quality management. Prof Garg also attended course on “Operations research for effective Managerial decisions making from IIT, Delhi and also attended course on “supply chain excellence” from I.I.T., Delhi

He has published a number of research papers in the Emerald Insight, Scopus indexed, and ABDC, UGC care & presented papers in national and international conferences. He is a lifetime member of Indian Commerce Association, All India Management Association, and The Association of Mathematics Teachers of India. He has been supervising research scholars for their Doctoral work leading to PhD Degree, MBA & Undergraduate students & Eight Scholars awarded PhD under his guidance.

  1. Mittal, S., Garg, K.K. and Aggarwal, R. (2019), “A comparative study of retail banking practices in compliance with regulatory standard”, Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 808-835. https://doi.org/10.1108/JFC-11-2018-0118 (Emerald Publication, SCOPUS Indexed, ABDC ranked).
  2. Mittal, S. and Garg, K.K. (2019), “Determinants of sales misconduct in Indian retail banking services: Does sales approach lead malpractices?” Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 313-329. https://doi.org/10.1108/JFC-12-2017-0126 (Emerald Publication, SCOPUS Indexed, ABDC ranked).
  3. Aggarwal A. and Garg K.K. (2017), “Critical Success Factors analysis for Six Sigma project implementation”, Industrial Engineering Journal, Vol. X No 8, pp. 44-47. DOI:10.26488/IEJ.10.8.61 (UGC-CARE List).
  4. Influence of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Job Satisfaction with Special Reference to Small Scale Manufacturing Enterprises has been accepted for publication in Academy of Marketing Studies Journal (AMSJ) Volume 28 Issue 3 2024 (ABDC ranked)
  5. Gandhi H. and Garg K. K., “Influence of organizational culture on employees with special reference to hospitality sector Delhi/NCR” has been accepted for publication in Boletin de Literature Oral (BLO) ISSN 2173-0695 (Scopus)
  6. Deepika, and Garg, K. K. (2010), “Performance Model of Database Relationship to design and manufacturing”, Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, Vol. 3 no 2, pp. 47–59. https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JRSS/article/view/22009 (UGC-CARE List)
  7. Deepika and Garg K.K. (2011), “Analysis of profit function and various reliability parameters of a sugar plant”, ISST Journal of Mathematics & Computing System, Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 27-35.
  8. Gupta N., Deepika, and Garg K.K. (2022), Systematic Mapping of the Foreign Exchange Rate-Stock Market Relationship using Bib excel and VOS viewer, Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing, Vol.37 No. 5 https://sjcjycl.cn/ (SCOPUS Indexed).
  9. Mishra P., Garg K. K. and Naru A (2013), “The Deming Prize- Route to Improving Performance “, Opinion: International Journal of Management” Vol.3, No.1.
  10. Chaurasia B., Garg D., Agarwal A. and Garg K.K.(2021), Study of Select Issues in Lean Manufacturing, Lingaya’s Lalita Devi Journal of Professional Studies. https://lldims.org.in/wpcontent/uploads/2021/03/LLDIMS-Journal-14.pdf
  11. Bansal A. R. and Garg K. K.(2016) “Application of Seroquel Model to evaluate the service quality of public sector banks in Haryana state, India”, International Journal of Advancement in Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Science, Vol.3, No.9.
  12. Lakshminarayana S., Garg K. K. and Somanath V. S.(2022), “A Study on Reasons to use Microfinance Products in Rural District of Bangalore”, International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, ISSN Print 2319-1775 Online 2320-7876, Global E smart Technologies, Journal Vol.11 No.11 pp.1584-1602. https://www.ijfans.org/issue-content/a-study-on-reasons-to-use-microfinance-products-in-rural-district-of-bengaluru-3533(UGC-CARE List).
  13. Lakshminarayana S., Garg K.K. and Somanath V. S.(2023), “A Study on Micro finance and its role in societal upliftment of Women”, A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology, Vol.12 No.03, ISSN NO: 2230-5807, pp.632-1638. http://biogecko.co.nz/issues.php?id=106 DOI : http://biogecko.co.nz/.2023.v12.i03.pp1632-1638
  14. Bhat S. R., Garg K. K. and Somanath V.S.(2022) “A Study on effects of macroeconomic indicators on crude oil prices-Phase towards building strong model for crude oil price prediction”, Vegueta. Anuario de la Facultad de Geografíae Historia, Vol.22 No.11, eISSN: 2341-1112. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7392874 https://vegueta.org/pdf/11_01202.pdf (SCOPUS Indexed).
  15. Bhat S. R., Garg K. K. and Somanath V. S.(2022), “Analysis of the dynamics of crude oil prices in relation to the Dollar and Gold prices- Indian perspective, Annals of Forest Research, Vol.65 No.1 eISSN: 4421-4430, ISSN: 1844-8135, https://www.e-afr.org/ https://www.e-afr.org/login/pdf/4421.pdf (SCOPUS Indexed).
  16. Gandhi H. and Garg K. K.(2022), “Influence of organizational culture on employees with special reference to hospitality sector Delhi/NCR”, Shodha Prabha, Vol. 47 No.3, ISSN: 0974-8946(UGC-CARE List).
  17. Gandhi H. and Garg K. K.(2022), “Organizational culture octa pace and job satisfaction a study in the quick service restaurants, QSRS in Delhi/NCR”, Rabindra Bharti Journal of Philosophy, Vol: XXIII, No. 21,ISSN 0973-0087(UGC-CARE List).
  18. Sharma A., Garg K. K. and Ramawat R.(2022), “Work Experience V/S Leadership effectiveness and Dominating Leadership style of Academic Administrators (Situational Leadership Theory)”, Gradiva review journal, Vol.8 No.7, ISSN: 0363-8057.
  19. Bhat S. and Garg K. K.(2021), “Crude oil price prediction possibilities using univariate analysis. – India scenario”, Anvesakissn, Vol. 51, No.2 (VI), ISSN: 0378 – 4568(UGC-CARE List). http://www.spiesr.ac.in/Anvesak/About%2bthe%2bJournal
  20. Bhat S. R. and Garg K. K.(2021), “Crude oil price prediction using auto regressive tools – Indian scenario”, The Journal of Oriental Research Madras, Vol.XCII No. 4, ISSN 0022-3301(UGC-CARE List). http://www.southasiaarchive.com/Content/ sarf.120059
  21. Dunna M. and Garg K. K.(2021), “A Study on Financial Performance Evaluation Of ICICI, HDFC And Nippon India Mutual Funds, Ilkogretim”, Elementary Education Online, Vol. 20 No.6, 1915-1929. http://ilkogretim-online.org doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.06.182 (SCOPUS Indexed)  https://www.nveo.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1238
  22. Dunna M. and Garg K.K.(2021), “A Study on Operating Performance Evaluation of ICICI, HDFC and Nippon India Mutual Funds”, Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils (NVEO), Vol.8 No.4, pp.29-33, ISSN:5753-5764. https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/ 21100904334#tabs=2
  23. Dagar A. and Garg K. K.(2021), “Challenges in Working Capital Management in Covid Era: A Study on Bank Profitability”, Oeconomia Copernicana, Vol.12 No.4, p-ISSN 2083-1277, e-ISSN 2353-1827. www.oeconomiacopernicana.pl https://oeconomiacopernicana.pl/sdm_downloads/754/
  24. Dagar A. and Garg K. K.(2021), “Impact of Liquidity and Working Capital Management on Bank Performance”, Oeconomia Copernicana Vol.12 No.4 2021 p-ISSN 2083-1277, e-ISSN 2353-1827 www.oeconomiacopernicana.pl https://oeconomiacopernicana.pl/ sdm_downloads/754/
  25. Garg K. K.(2021), “Mathematics Teaching in the Covid-19 pandemic: Learning challenges” Kalyan Bharti, Vol. 36, No. VIII, ISSN:0976-0822(UGC-CARE List).
  26. Dagar A. and Garg K. K.(2020) “Effect of reforms on banking sector in the context of India” Ilkogretim Online – Elementary Education Online, Vol.19 No.4.  https://ilkogretim-online.org/index.php?mno=85904
  27. Dagar A. and Garg K. K.(2020) “Impact of Capital Structure of Financial Performance Banks in India”, International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities, Vol. 11, No. 9, (UGC-CARE List). http://ijair-volume-6-issue-2-xxii-april–june-2019
  28. Dagar A. and Garg K. K.(2020), “Impact of Working Capital on Profitability: Study of Selected Banks in India”, International Res Jour Managt Socio Human, Vol. 11 No.11. https://www.academia.edu/61666344/Impact_of_working_capital_on_profitability_study_of_selected_banks_in_India
  29. Dagar A. and Garg K. K.(2021) “Evaluation Working Capital Strategies to Increase Profitability with reference to Indian Banking Sector”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, Vol. 13 No. 3, ISSN 0022-1945. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SsYU0BjZApP24XLj6sKKH_EeLpbxdYP5/view
  30. Dagar A. and Garg K. K.(2021) “Relationship between working capital and profitability in increasing bank’s performance”, The International Journal of Analytical and Experiment Model Analysis, Vol.13 No.3, ISSN 0886-9367, http://www.ijaema.com/VOLUME-XIII-ISSUE-III-MARCH-2021/ (UGC Care)
  31. Dagar A. and Garg K. K.(2021), “Recent Trends in Banking – Issues and Challenges”, International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods, Vol.9 No.1. ISSN: 2455-6211, Impact Factor: 7.429. www.ijaresm.com
  32. Mittal, S. and Garg, K.K.(2021), “Goods and Services Tax – A Boon or Bane for the Indian Economy”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management, Vol.05 No.1, ISSN: 2582-3930. www.ijsrem.com
  33. Mittal, S. and Garg, K.K.(2019) “Post Liberalization scenario of Indian Banking and Regulations from Customer Services Perspective: A Critical Review”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol. 6 No.2(XXII), ISSN 2394-7780.
  34. Narang V. and Garg K. K.(2018), “Evaluation of Foreign Direct Investment in India and China: A Comparative study”, International Journal of Management Studies, , Vol.-V No.4, ISSN 2231-2528.
  35. Narang V. and Garg K. K.(2018), “Can India surpass china in attracting FDI”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol.5 No.3, ISSN 2349-5138.
  36. Garg S. and Garg K. K.(2018), “Financial Ratios & Trend Projection Analysis – A Case Study of NTPC”, Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, Vol.4 No.2, pp. 47-63, ISSN: 2395-0463.
  37. Garg S. and Garg K. K.(2018), “Liquidity Analysis to Ascertain Short-Term Solvency-A Case Study of NTPC”, International Journal of Research, Vol.5 No.1, pp. 2090, e-ISSN: 2348-6848 and ISSN: 2348-795X.
  38. Garg K. K.(2017), “Defect Analysis and Preclusion Using Quality Tools: A Case Study of ABC Company”, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, Vol.7 No.6, pp. 30-36, ISSN: 2231-5756, Index Copernicus Publishers Panel, Poland.
  39. Mishra P. and Garg K. K.(2018), “Total Quality Excellence through organization-wide Transformation”, ‘International Journal of Research’ Vol.5 No.1, ISSN 2348-6848. file:///C:/Users/Dell/Downloads/11629-11771-1-PB.pdf
  40. Gupta S., Garg K. K. and Yadav R.(2017), “Defect analysis using quality tools: a case study”, ‘International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT, Management’ Vol.7 No.6, ISSN 2231-5756. https://ijrcm.org.in/download.php?name=ijrcm-4-IJRCM-4_vol-7_2017_issue-06-art-16.pdf
  41. Gupta R., Kumar P., Garg K. K. (2016), “Human Resources Accounting-Issues and challenges in the Globalized World”, ‘Educator FIMT Journal’ Vol. IX No.2, ISSN 2277-9736.
  42. Jadav G., Shrivastava V., Gupta S. and Garg K. K. (2016), “Perception of Taxpayers towards E-Filling of Tax Return: An Analytical Analysis”, ‘Tecnia Journal of Management Studies, Vol.11 No.1, ISSN 0975-7104.
  43. Garg K. K., Choudhary J. and Mishra P. (2015), “TQM Tools for Gain Competitive Edge”, ‘Journal of Engineering, ICT & Management’ Vol.8, ISSN 2230-9756.
  44. Garg K. K. (2015), “Consumer Education for rural banking-Marketing innovation, Lingaya’s Journal of Professional Studies, ISSN 2230-987X, Vol.5.
  45. Chowdhury J. K., Garg K. K., Verma ., (2015) “Financial Management of Micro Finance Institutions and Self Help Groups in Eradication of Poverty in India” Lingaya’s Journal of professional studies, ISSN 0975-539X, Vol. 8, No. 2
  46. Srivastava V., Garg K. K., Chowdhury J. K., (2015) “Comparative Analysis: Non Performing Assets (NPA) of PNB and HDFC Bank, Using Perarson’s Coefficients” Lingaya’s Journal of professional studies, ISSN 0975-539X, Vol. 8, No. 2
  47. Garg K. K. (2014), “Quality Management Strategy for Indian Industry: A Case Study”, Lingaya’s Journal of professional studies, ISSN 0975-539X, Vol. 8, No.1.
  48. Sehrawat S., Mishra P. and Garg K. K.(2014), “Cost reduction programmed in automobile Industry”, Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies”, Vol.3 No.11, ISSN 2348-0459.
  49. Garg K. K.(2014), “Study of Select Issues in Lean Manufacturing”, Lingaya’s Journal of Professional Studies, ISSN 2230-987X, Vol.4.
  50. Garg K. K.(2014) “ATM is a way of branchless banking in India”, Lingaya’s Journal of Professional Studies, Vol. 8 No. 1.
  51. Garg K. K.(2013), “Quality Management in Supply Chain – A Case Study of Automotive Industry”, Lingaya’s Journal of Professional Studies” ISSN 2230-987X, Vol.3.
  52. Garg K. K. (2013), “Introduction of Critical Success Factors of TQM in Indian Automobile Industry “, International Journal of Management and Social Sciences Research, ISSN: 2219-4421, Vol.2, No. 6.
  53. Garg K. K., Mishra P. (2013) “ Gaining an Unbeatable Advantage through Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study” Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy” ISSN 0976-4925, Vol. 5, No. 1
  54. Garg K. K. (2013), “The Quest for Excellence: A Case Study of TQM Practice in Tata Steel“, International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2278-6236, Vol.2, No 9.
  55. Garg K. K. and Mishra P.(2013) “Business Excellence through TQM”, ANVESHAK-International Journal of Management, Vol. 2 No.1, ISSN: 2278-8913.
  56. Kumar S., Walia P., Garg K. K. (2012), “A Simulation Model for EVA of Supply Chain Demand”, A Journal of Institute of Public Enterprise Research, Vol. 27 No. 51, ISSN: 0974-4886.
  57. Garg K. K. (2013), “TQM as a strategy for business Excellence”, International Journal of Management and Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, ISSN: 2277-291X.
  58. Kumar S., Garg K. K. (2008), “A conceptual review on total quality management in Indian Automobile Industry”, Business Research, Vol. May 2008, ISSN-0972-2785.
  59. Garg K. K. (2008) “Analysis of Quality Tools in Indian Automobile Industry”, Business Research, Vol. May 2008, ISSN-0972-2785.
  60. Garg K. K. (2009) “Analysis of quality Models in Indian automobile industry”, Business Research, Vol. January 2009, ISSN-0972-2785.
  61. Garg K. K., Srivastava V., Tripathi R., Gupta D. (2009) “Analysis of CRM in Indian Industry”, Business Research, Vol. July 2009, ISSN-0972-2785.
  62. Gupta S., Garg K. K., Yadav R. (2017), “Defect Analysis and Preclusion Using Quality Tools: A Case Study of ABC Company”, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, Vol.7 No.6, pp. 30-36. ISSN: 2231-5756, Index Copernicus Publishers Panel, Poland.
  63. Lakshminarayana S., Garg K. K., Somanath v.s. (2023), “Digital Technologies and Next-Generation Microfinance: An Overview”, Journal of Research Administration, Vol. 5, No. 2, ISSN: 1539-1590 E-ISSN: 2573-7104 (Scopus Indexed)

Books Chapters 

  1. Garg K.K.(2023), “A Critical Probe in Indian Economy amidst post Covid-19: A Perspective”, published in Scopus/Elsevier indexed edited book volume Impact of Covid 19 on Commerce and Economics, pp. 51-54) January, 2023, Bestow Edutrex International ISBN No. 978-93-90153-04-6.     https://zenodo.org/record/7616047#.Y-Ns93ZBy1s
  2. Garg K.K.(2022), “The Quest for Excellence: a Case study of TQM practice in Tata Steel”, Book Chapter, Change Management and Organizational Development,  (Sage Publication)  https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/change-management-and-organizational-development/book265104
  3. Garg K.K.(2023), “Struggle of the Indian Economy during Covid-1”9, published in Scopus/Elsevier indexed edited book volume Impact of Covid 19 on Commerce and Economics, pp. 51-54) January, 2023, Bestow Edutrex International ISBN No. 978-93-90153-04-6.  (Scopus/Elsevier-Indexed Edited Book) https://zenodo.org/record/7616016#.Y-cvc3ZBy1s
  4. Garg K.K.(2014), “A study of TQM in selected companies in Indian Automobile  industry”, published in the Edited Book entitled “Contours of Modern Management Research (ISBN-13: 978-3-659-52396-0)” by the LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing of Germany, Feb 2014.
  5. Garg K.K. (2018), “The Quest for Excellence: a Case study of TQM practice in Tata Steel”, Change Management and Organizational Development, (Sage Publication)  https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/change-management-and-organizational-development/book265104
  1. Coordinated three days national workshop on “Research methodology & Data analysis using SPSS” under the aegis of grant-in-aid scheme by GGSIPU, 14-16, November, 2019 organized by LLDIMS.
  2. Coordinate National Conference on “Digital Innovation: A Tool for Sustainable Development, 30th March 2019, LLDIMS
  3. Participated in the knowledge sharing programme on “perspectives on Modern Teaching Techniques- Use of case studies & Experiential Methods” at LLDIMS on 14 September 2019.
  4. Coordinated GRE workshop on 25th Aug, 2017, LLDIMS
  5. Coordinating Three Days Workshop on “Promoting Excellence in Institution” in the Institute from 23rd Sept. – 25th Sept. 2014.
  6. Participated in the International Author Workshop on “How to Write for and get published in Journal and Publish Manuscripts” Conducted by Springer and Edanz along with IGNOU, N.Delhi on 25th January 2013.
  7. Attended workshop titled “Bar Coding Technology”, on 24th January, 2013, Organized “LLDIMS, N.Delhi in collaboration with Ministry of Micro, Small, Mediam, Enterprise, N.Delhi.
  8. Attended FDP on the topic entitled “Industrial Motivation Program”, on 11th January, 2013, organized by “LLDIMS”, New Delhi
  9. Coordinate as Convener on the topic entitled “Innovative Management Practices for Global Competitiveness”, on 2nd November, 2012, organized by “LLDIMS”, New Delhi
  10. Attended seminar on the topic entitled “The Need for Total Quality Management ”, on 1st Sep. 2002, organized by “Institute of Marketing and Management”, New Delhi
  11. Coordinated Seminar on the topic entitled “Awareness/Motivation Campaigning for Self-Employment”, by SISI, Ministry of SSI, Govt. of India, at BBIT, Ghaziabad on 16th Sept., 2005.
  12. Attended a seminar on the topic entitled “Managing organizational change for competitiveness”, organized by Ghaziabad management association (GMA) on Nov. 30, 2005.
  13. Coordinated Seminar on the topic entitled “SAMVAAD – An Academic performance vs. Professional performance (A Unique Corporate meet)”, at BBIT, Ghaziabad on 18th March, 2007.
  14. Attended National Workshop on the topic entitled “Use and Deployment of Web and Video Courses” held at IIT Delhi, under the project National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning undertaken by IIT’s and IISC, Bangalore jointly on 30th March, 2007
  15. Coordinated for National Seminar on the topic entitled “Electronics-An indispensable tool for smart product innovations”, held on 21st April 2007 at BBIT Ghaziabad.
  16. Attended all India seminar on “Sustaining quality in technical education in India-challenges ahead”, during 27th -28th April, 2008 at the institution of engineers (India), N.Delhi.
  17. Participated in the International Conference held on 15th -17th Sept., 2008, organized by faculty of management studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar.
  18. Participated in a conference held on 18th -19th Sep. 2009 Organized by Bharat Institute of Technology, Meerut.
  19. Participated in a conference held on 14th -15th Nov.2009, organized by SRMS College of engineering and technology, Bareilly.
  20. Coordinated National conference on ‘management challenges in the changing global business’, on 28th -29th Nov. 2009, in GNIT group of institutions.
  21. Organized One day in-house Seminar on the topic entitled on “ Six –Sigma – A Breakthrough Approach ”,19th March 2010, in “GNIT College of Management”,
  22. Attended a one day seminar on “Operations Research and its Applications to Engineering and Management”, held on 8th May 2010, I.T.S. Engineering College, G.Noida.
  23. Participated in 63rd All India Commerce Conference, Goa University.
  24. FDP on “Covid-19 Challenges and Opportunities: Paradigm shift in various domains of Indian Education, under the aegis of internal quality assurance cell( IQAC), 18-22 May, 2020 LLDIMS.
  25. FDP on “Qualitative Research: Perspective and Practices, 15-17 May, 2020 Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad.
  26. National Webinar on “ Research Methodology: An Overview, 1 May, 2020, ASRD College, Delhi University
  27. International Webinar on Life and Contributions of Maryam Mirzakhani, 12 May,2020 organized by Department of Mathematics,St. Xavier’s College for Women, Aluva
  28. Certificate of Participation in online Director’s Panel Discussion on “ Challenges and Opportunities in Online Education During and Post Covid 19” on 23th May,2020, Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad
  29. Participated in Webinar on “Be Future Leader-Post covid-19” 3-4 June, 2020 Deepshikha Group of College with University of Technology.
  30. Certificate of Appreciation on  National level online Quiz on “Statistics and Research Methodology” 12 June, 2020
  31. Participated in Webinar on” Looking beyond Current VUCA: Way forward to enhance output, employment & income” 13 June, 2020 IITM.
  32. Participated in Webinar on” The Universe and Mathematical Modelling” ” 11 June, 2020, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida
  33. One-Day Webinar on” Applications of Mathematics in Society ” 18 July, 2020, Baba Masthnath University, Rohtak
  34. Certificate of Participation of one week faculty development program on “ effective research methodology and publication” on 13th to 19th febuary,2023, jointly organized by SGT university, Gurugram (ICAR accredited)
  35. Certification of Participation in the workshop on payment systems conducted by RBI, 31st October, 2013.
  36. Certification of Participation in the National Seminar on “National Education Policy of India 2020-Proppelling the Paradigm Shift in Higher Education System”, 7th January, 2020, BCIPS, New Delhi
  37. Led/Chair in funded Seminar/Conference: ICSSR sponsored seminar under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) on “ Emerging Trends in Business Environment”, 31st March, 2022
  38. ICSSR sponsored two days National Seminar under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) on “ Action @75 ( Current Priorities and Actions activated through Programs and Scheme) – Skill India”, 27th -28th September, 2022
  39. NHRC sponsored training program me on Human Right, 8th July, 2019
  40. NHRC sponsored training program me on Human Right, 9th March, 2018
  41. NAAC sponsored workshop on “Learning Approaches in Quality Education: Role in IQAC, 8th – 9th March, 2019
  42. Ggsip University sponsored National Conference, Competency Building for Excellence, Innovation and Social Change, 6-7th November, 2015
  1. United Nations certification of appreciation, 22nd August, 2022 from Golden sparrows.
  2. Rashtriya Ekta Diwas State Representative & Recipient- 2022.
  1. AI Machine Vision based Predictive Model for Commodity Pricing Estimation, published in the patent office journal, Office of Controller Generals of patents (U/S 11A), Designs & Trade Marks, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, Application No. 202311015898,March 2023, https://ipindiaservices.gov.in/publicsearch
  2. AI-Machine Method and System for real-Time Verification and Processing of Financial and Commercial Era, published in the patent office journal, Office of Controller Generals of patents (U/S 11A), Designs & Trade Marks, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, Application No.202311036800,June-2023, https://ipindiaservices.gov.in/publicsearch

Eight Ph.D. candidates have been awarded Ph.d degree under his supervision and Three candidates are registered at present and their work is in progress.

  1. Suman Mittal, “An Empirical Study of Indian Retail Banking Practices in Compliance with Regulatory Standards, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth,(awarded 2018) http://hdl.handle.net/10603/483398 (The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre)
  2. Arti Raipuria Bansal, “A Comparative Study of Customer Satisfaction in Public Sector Banks and Private Sector Banks in Delhi-NCR”, Lingayas Vidyapeeth, ( awarded 2017) http://hdl.handle.net/10603/468452 (The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre)
  3. Viney Narang, “Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Its Impact on Various Macro-Economic Dimensions: A Comparative Study of India & China”, Lingayas Vidhyapeeth, (awarded 2019) http://hdl.handle.net/10603/395775 (The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre)
  4. Sameer Garg, “An Empirical study of efficiency of working Capital Management in Public Sector Power Industry with special Reference to NTPC”, (awarded August 2018) http://hdl.handle.net/10603/470724 (The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre)
  5. Muralidhar Dunna, “A comparative study of financial performance vis-à-vis operating performance of ICICI, HDFC, and Nippon India  Mutual Funds” (awarded March, 2022) http://hdl.handle.net/10603/465653 (The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre)
  6. Sandesh Ramakant Bhat, “A study of volatility of crude oil prices for oil price prediction-Indian scenario” (awarded April, 2023) http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14146/14277 (The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre)
  7. Anju Dagar, “Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability: Study of Selected Public, Private and Foreign sector Banks in India” (awarded March, 2024)
  8. Lakshminarayana S A “study of micro financing and its effectiveness: A case study of Bangalore rural district” (thesis submitted)
  9. Harish Kumar Gandhi Organizational Culture OCTAPACE and Job Satisfaction A Study in the Quick Service Restaurants, QSRs in Delhi/NCR (thesis submitted)

Research Articles presented in Seminars/Conferences/Workshops:

  1. Garg K. K. (2012), “Implications of Infrastructure Development on Productivity of Different States” Presented in 5th All India Commerce Conference of Indian Commerce Association held on 9-11 November 2012, at University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
  2. Garg K. K.(2013), “A Case Study of TQM in selected companies in Indian automobile industry” Presented in International case study conference held on March 1, 2013 at Amity University, Gurgaon.
  3. Garg K. K.(2009), “Impact of global meltdown on India’s export market”, Presented in the seminar organized by Bharat Institute of Technology, Meerut held on 18th -19th September 2009.
  4. Garg K. K.(2009), “Value based management in Indian automobile industries through total quality management”, presented in a conference organized by SRMS College of engineering and technology, Bareilly held on 14th -15th November 2009.
  5. Garg K. K.(2010), “The Direct Tax Code: An Evaluation”, presented in 63rd All India Commerce Conference held on 1st – 3rd October 2010, in Goa University.
  6. Kaur D., Gupta S., Garg K. K. and Deepika (2023), “Does Sector Matter in Priority Sector Lending? An Empirical Prove in the Indian Banking Sector”, presented in the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Concepts in Management (ICMCM-2023), GLBITM, 30 June 2023.
  7. Bhat S., Garg K. K. and Deepika(2023), “A Comparative Study of Crude oil Futures price prediction using various Deep Learning techniques”  ICMR, Department of Management Studies, IIT, Madras, November 2023.
  8. Garg K. K.(2015) “ Leadership in TQM context: a case study” presented  in AIMA 9th National Research Conference -“Future of Management Education in India” from 31st March to 1st April 2015 India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi
  9. Garg K. K.(2013), “Information Management: A Key Factor for Market Success: A Case Study” presented in NCIPM 2013, a national Conference to be held at Lingaya’s University, Faridabad.
  10. Gupta S., Garg K. K., Yadav R. (2008), “Implementation of TQM factors – A successful path for product quality in Indian automobile industry, presented in International Conference organized by faculty of management studies, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar held on 15th -17th Sept., 2008.

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  3. All India management association

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