Lingaya's Vidyapeeth (Deemed-to-be University) u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956
Dr. Swapnila Roy

Dr. Swapnila Roy

Associate Professor in Chemistry

School of Basic & Applied Sciences

Dr. Swapnila Roy is a well-known personality in academia, research and industry, with 20 years of impressive experience. She is currently the Associate Dean-(R &D) at  Lingaya Vidyapeeth in Faridabad. Her academic background is extremely impressive; she holds a Ph.D in Chemistry (Waste water Treatment). Dr. Roy’s contributions have been internationally recognised due to her interdisciplinary skills in Waste water treatment, Environmental Engineering, Pollutants Remediation. Her remarkable portfolio, which includes 45 research and review articles, 5 Book Chapters as an Author, 5 books as an Editor that have been published and an amazing assortment of 8 utility and 4 design patents that are held both nationally and internationally, is a real testimonial to her abilities. Additionally she is the guest editor & editorial board member of different international reputed journals.

Dr. Roy has a strong research background, as shown by her many worldwide scientific publications and review articles. She has been acknowledged for her skills on a number of high-profile venues, including the Intellectual Property Right Conclave in Pune, Odisha.

In addition to her work in academia and research, Dr. Roy actively supports the advancement of the professional and academic communities. She enriches and empowers people in these disciplines by serving as a session chair for different seminars and conferences and as a highly sought-after resource speaker for faculty development programmes (FDPs) and AICTE Sponsored STTP.

Dr. Roy’s diverse career has demonstrated her unrelenting dedication to excellence and her substantial contributions to the promotion of knowledge and professional growth. Her work has blended academia, industry, research, and intellectual property in a seamless manner. Numerous people find inspiration in her path, and her influence is still influencing her respective disciplines’ futures.

Research Interest:

  1. Remediation of Pollutants by Adsorption method
  2. Wastewater Treatment (Heavy Metal Removal)
  3. Desalination
  4. Defluoridation & other waste removal
  5. Environmental Sustainability
  6. Nanomaterials & Nanocomposites and their applications


  • Thermodynamics and Kinetics study of de- fluoridation in waste water using hydroxyapatite (HAP) as adsorbent: Optimization using response surface Frontiers in Nano science and Nanotechnology(IF:2.1).2016,2,121-128.
  • .Comparative Analysis on Treatment of Fluoride Containing Solution Using Novel Activated Carbon Prepared from Lemon Shell and  Wheat Bran: Batch and Column Studies, Environmental Pollution and                                                    Protection(IF:1.1).2016,1,1-7.
  • Treatability study using novel activated carbon prepared from rice husk: Column study, optimization using response surface methodology and mathematical Process Safety and Environmental Protection(IF:7.926).105,2017,184-193.
  • Integral approach of adsorption and chemical treatment of fluoride containing wastewater: Batch and optimization using RSM.Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering(IF:7.968) 5,2017, 274-282.
  • Thermodynamics and kinetics study of defluoridation using Ca-SiO2- TiO2 as adsorbent: Column studies and statistical Korean J. Chem. Engg(IF:3.146)2017,34,179-188.
  • Calcium  impregnated activated charcoal: Optimization and efficiency for the treatment of fluoride containing solution in batch and fixed bed reactor. Process Safety and Environmental 2017, 109, 18-29.
  • Comparative assessment on de-fluoridation of waste water using chemical and bio-reduced graphene oxide: Batch, thermodynamic, kinetics and optimization using response surface methodology and artificial neural network. Process Safety and Environment Protection(IF:7.926).2017,111,221-231.
  • Synthesis of graphene oxide using tea-waste biochar as green substitute of graphite and its application in de- fluoridation of contaminated American Journal of Chemical Research (IF:0.78)),2017, 1:1.
  • Assessment of De-fluoridation in Waste Water Using Activated Biochar: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Journal of Chemistry and Applied Chemical Engineering(IF;0.18), 2017,1;1
  • Rice husk derived silica and its application for its treatment of fluoride containing waste water:Batch study and Modeling using Artificial Neural Network analysis. Desalination and Water Treatment (IF:1.273).105,2018,73–82.
  • Chemically reduced tea waste biochar and its application in treatment of fluoride containing wastewater: Batch and Optimization using Response Surface Methodology. Process Safety and Environmental Protection(IF:7.926).116(2018),553-563.
  • Distribution of Arsenic Species in Surface Water Using Flow Injection Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry and Furnace Method. International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources(IF:1.22).2018; 12(4): 555843. DOI: 19080/IJESNR.2018.12.555843.
  • De-Fluoridation of Water by Using Dodonaea Viscosa Bark Biochar: An Isothermal and Kinetics Study. Journal of  Soil Science and Plant Physiology(IF:2.3), Volume 2 Issue 2(2020), Pubtexto Publishers,www.pubtexto.com.
  • Ozone Depletion and Global Advances in Earth and Environmental  Science(IF:1.1), Review Article, Volume 1 Issue 1(2020), Pg:1-5.
  • Prediction of Environmental System Model during Isolation period of Pandemic COVID-19: A Comparative Survey, International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation(IF:8.224), 3(2) (2021) 1- https://doi.org/10.34256/irjmt 2121.
  • Saw Dust Derived Activated Carbon in different Impregnation Ratio and its application in De-fluoridation of Wastewater, Acta Scientific Pharmacology(IF:1.403) 2.4 (2021).
  • Electronic Waste Vs Environmental Sustainability: Global Ultimatum to International Journal of Environmental Chemistry(IF:5.867) Volume 7, Issue 1 ISSN: 2456-5245.
  • . Comparative Review of Defluoridation Efficiency in Wastewater, International Journal of Prevention and Control  of Industrial Pollution(IF:3.21),Volume 7, Issue 1, 2021 DOI (Journal): 10.37628
  • Organic Farming Vs Conventional Farming Paradigm shift of Environmental Sustainability, Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering(IF:2.018) | Volume 6 | Issue 8 | July2021 ISSN:2455-5703
  • Saw Dust Derived Activated Carbon in Different Impregnation Ratio and its application  in De-fluoridation of Waste water using IT2FLC & RSM, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery(IF:4.103), part of Springer Nature 2021, DOI:10.1007/s13399-021- 02014-7
  • Chemistry and Toxicological Impacts of Hazardous Substances in   Electronic-Waste: A Review. International Journal of Environmental Chemistry(IF:5.867) 2022;8(1): 17–21p.
  • Review of Remediation of  Hg & Cd from Industrial Waste water Using Different International Journal of Green Chemistry(IF:6.05). 2022;8(1): 36–40p.
  • Treatability study of Carcinogenic Waste and its Assessment of Environmental Int. Res. J. Multidiscip. Technovation(IF:5.345),4(3) (2022)14-19.
  • Experimental Pathway for the Synthesis of Sertraline: Effective Medicinal Agent, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering, Technology & Science(IF:4.32), Vol-9, Issue-7, July-2022, ISSN 2349- 2819 p 1-
  • Synthesis & Identification of Sertraline Hydrochloride Related Impurities, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering, Technology & Science(IF:4.32), Vol-9, Issue-5, May-2022, ISSN 2349- 2819,p15-26.
  • Chemical Composition Quantification of Components in Extracts of Uncaria tomentosa by HPLC and LC-MS Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2023; 10(1):32–39.(SJIF):5.965.
  • Quantification of Chemical     Components and Phyto chemical Screening of Galium Verum by HPLC and LC-MS Analysis, International Journal of Agrochemistry,ISSN: 2456-7000 Volume 9, Issue 1, 2023,pp 1-7.
  • Comparative analysis of thermo-physical and mechanical properties of PALF/CF/epoxy resin with and without nano TiO2 filler ,Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 148(2023)(IF:3.9)106201,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2023.106201
  • Impact of the Child-to-Child Approach on Knowledge  of Covid Care, Global Pediatrics(2024)100107,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gpeds.2023.100107


  • Smart agriculture and nanotechnology: Technology, challenges, and new perspective,Advanced Agrochem,2023,Vol 3 Issue 2,ISSN 2773-2371,



  • Quantification of Vitamin B9(Folic Acid) & Vitamin B12(Cyanocobalamin) in Fortified Rice Kernel Using LC-Ms/Ms: A Validation Study. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4587744
  • Recent Update on Advanced Drug Delivery System,International Journal of Advance in Molecular Engineering.Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023 DOI (Journal): 10.37591/IJAME
  • Treatability Study of Chemical De-fluoridation technique by Boric acid: Batch analysis and Optimization using Response Surface Methodology, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control(IF:1.30). 2016,32, 595-602.
  • Assessment on the De-fluoridation using novel Activated Carbon synthesized from Tea Waste: Batch, Statistical Optimization and Mathematical modeling, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control(IF:1.30). 2016,32,544-553.
  • Statistical Optimization of De-fluoridation using novel Activated Carbon and Cellulose from sugarcane bagasse: Batch isotherm and kinetics    Journal of  Industrial     Pollution Control(IF:1.30).2016,32,368-380.
  • ,Quantitative Assessment of Iron in Fortified rice kernel: Comparative Study of Validation Parameters by ICP-OES and AAS,Lingaya’s Journal of Professional Studies,Vol 17, No.2,July-December 2023, pp 157-175.
  • A Clinical Laboratory Assessment of Sigma Metrics of Frequently Assayed Biochemical Parameters,Journal of Harbin Engineering University,ISSN: 1006-7043 2024,Vol 45, Issue No. 3, March 2024, pp 434-438.
  • Assessment of Clinico-Pathological characteristics of Renal Biopsy:Tertiary Care centre based study,Journal of Harbin Engineering University,2024.1006-7043 2024,Vol 45, Issue No. 4, March 2024, pp 249-254.
  • Optimizing Role Assignment for Scaling Innovations through AI in Agricultural Frameworks: An Effective Approach.Communicated.
  • Assessment of spectacular Micro-algae for manufacturing of Biofuel : Environmental Sustainability & Economic Viability.Communicated.
  • Assessment on De-fluoridation in Water using Chemical Method Batch Study and Optimization by Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN), DISCOVERY PUBLISHING HOUSE LTD. INDIA; Heavy metals and metalloids in biosphere: Impacts Assessment.
  • Thermodynamics, Kinetics study and Statistical approach of Arsenic removal in waste water utilizing activated carbon from saw dust in different impregnation ratio, DISCOVERY PUBLISHING HOUSE LTD. INDIA; Research in Chemistry and Chemical Sciences.
  • “Application of biochar in wastewater treatment”. BioChar: Applications for Bioremediation of Contaminated Systems, edited by Riti Thapar Kapoor and Maulin P. Shah, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2022, 297-308.https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110734003-015. 
  • Making a Sustainable Environment based on Nanotechnology for Improving the Wastewater Treatment Technique,Nanomaterials in Wastewater Research , Progress and Challenges,Book Chapter ,Springer 
  • Developments of Weather and Climate Science series,Air Quality Monitoring and Management Using Sensors.
  • Wastewater Treatment using Green Synthesis//545295/CRCPress/Taylor and Francis Group 
  • Nanotechnological approach towards sustainable environment: Role of Agriculture(Under processing)
  • Assessment on De-fluoridation in Water using Chemical Method. In the Proceedings of All India People’s Technology Congress, FOSET (Forum of Scientist, Engineers and Technologists) 6 -7th February,2015,
  • Comparative Batch, Thermodynamic and Kinetics study of De- fluoridation in water using rice husk, activated carbon and silica extracted from rice In the proceedings of 1st Regional Science and Technology Congress, 13-14th November,2016, Kolkata.
  • Statistical Optimization of De-fluoridation using calcium impregnated activated sludge as an adsorbent: Batch Study and Mathematical modeling. In the Proceedings of 209th International Conference on Science Technology and Management (ICSTM) in Bangkok, Thailand, 5- 6th July,2017.
  • Comparative Batch, Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study of De- fluoridation using Activated Carbon from Saw Dust. In the proceedings of 9th International Congress on Environmental Research on8- 10thFebruary, Amity University, Madhya Pradesh.
  • Efficient Removal of Fluoride in Waste Water using Activated Biochar: Thermodynamic and Kinetics Study, In the proceedings of 6th International Conference on Research in Science and Technology(ICRST),5-6th May, UTM, Kualalampur, Malaysia.
  • Invited Speaker in Seminar on Climate Change and its impact on Bengal’s Estuarine & Coastal Zone (ENVS, Rabindra Bharati University),25th March
  • Participation in Seminar on Frontiers in Chemical Process Industries(Jadavpur University, TEQIP-Phase II).
  • Participation in Seminar on Industrial Pollution Control using Emerging Technologies, 4th March
  • Sonia Bist,Ranjana, Swapnila Roy, Optimizing Role Assignment for Scaling Innovations in Agricultural Frameworks: An Effective Approach,Two-Days International Conference on LeadershipX: IILC Ignite: Empowering Innovation and Leadership for Thriving Start-ups, Organized by School of Commerce and Management(Lingayas Vidyapeeth),3rd – 4th November, 2023.
    • FDP (Faculty Development Programme):Participated in AICTE recognised FDP on Material Characterisation Technique conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research from 04th -8th December 2023 at Lingayas Vidyapeeth.
    • Short Term Course: “National Education Policy 2020: Orientation and Sensitization” Organized by UGC-Malviya Mission-Teacher Training Centre, Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur, MP, from 02.2024 to 13.02.2024.

Invited   Speaker

  • AICTE Sponsored STTP(Short Term Training Programme) on Digital Energy Network: IoT Applications in Smart Grid Systems in JIS College of Engineering(Kalyani),from 16- 21st June,
  • Two Days International Virtual Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Physics (IVCRTMP-2021) jointly organized by the Department of Mathematics, Phulsing Naik Mahavidyalaya, Pusad-445216, Maharashtra, India and Department of Mathematics,S.P.M. Science and Gilani Arts Commerce College, Ghatanji Dist. Yavatmal- 445301, Maharashtra, India 29th and 30th October 2021.
  • International Conference on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (ICMSME 2023) organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Regent Education and Research Foundation, Barrackpore, West Bengal, India on 19th and 20th January 2023.
  • Young Research Scholarship Award, ICRST(2018) VIth International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology, Kualalampur, Malyasia,2018
  • Best Teacher Award by CAMPUSBUZZ EDU(Educational Consultancy, Kolkata),2019
  • IASTEM Excellent Paper Award, In the Proceedings of 209th International Conference on Science Technology and Management (ICSTM) in Bangkok, Thailand, 5-6th July,2017.
  • Women Victory Award-2021(Category: Educationalist)-Sponsored by Star Awards(10.05.21)
  • Women Researcher Award, in the International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine organized by ISAT 2021(28-29th August’21, Trivandrum).
  • Viswa Intellectual Property Right Research Excellence Award 2023(25th November ‘23, Pune)
  1. A NOVEL SOLAR ASSISTED DEFLUORIDATION DEVICE USING LANGMUIR ISOTHERM MODEL FOR FLUORIDE FREE DRINKING WATER (Utility patent) under intellectual property right, of India (Application Number 202131026317) published (Publication date:09/07/21, Reply to FER Date:28.10.21)
  2. IOT BASED COST EFFECTIVE DESALINATION DEVICE(Design Patent)under intellectual property right, of India (Application Number 349830-001).Certificate No.119726-Granted
  3. Synthesis of Ag Doped and Undoped Magnesium Ferrite (MgFe2O4) Nanoparticles(Utility Patent) under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India(Application Number 202311051581,Publication date:01/09/23).
  4. METHOD FOR SYNTHESIS OF SILVER DOPED MAGNESIUM FERRITE (MGFE2O4) NANOPARTICLES(Utility Patent) under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India(Application Number 202311050249,Publication date:25/08/23)
  5. Solar Assisted Climatic Reader Farming Robotic System under Intellectual Property Office.Govt of UK,Design application number 6320789,Granted  on 14th December 2023.
  6. Solar Assisted IoT Based Iron Removal Mini Filter Device for Borewell Water(Utility Patent) under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India(Application number 202411001264,Date of Publication:02.02.2024).
  7. An artificial intelligence(AI)-based electric environmental cleaning robot(Utility Patent) under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India(Application Number 202411005488,Date of Publication 09.02.2024)
  8. Artificial intelligence-based biodegradable organic waste composting machine(Design Patent)under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India(Application Number 408255-001)-Granted
  9. Automatic Greenhouse System based on Internet of Things (IOT) , Application Number-202411028265,Utility Patent under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India.
  10. Food Safety Management System,Application Number – 202411028266,Utility Patent under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India.
  11. Automated Clinical Chemistry Analyser System based on Artificial Intelligence,Application Number – 202411036356,Utility Patent under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India.
  12. IoT based Automated Viscometer for Chemicals, Design Patent,Application Number-416809-001,under Intellectual Property Right,Govt. of India

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