Mr. Ajit Singh

Mr. Ajit Singh




Sintering method of silicon carbide ceramics using stereolithography additive manufacturing (SLAM) process. (accepted) BOOK – Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing :Technology and Application. PUBLICATION :- Taylors and Fransis  (INDEXED BY SCOPUS)


  1. TITLE:- Analysis and Optimization of Process Parameters of Powder Mixed Near Dry- EDM by Using Grey Relational Optimization. JOURNAL:- Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels. ISSN: 0022 2755,Volume-71, Issue-11, January 2023. (INDEXED BY SCOPUS)
  2. TITLE:- Investigation and Optimization on parameters of Gas Additive Powder mixed near dry EDM by using grey relation optimization. JOURNAL:- Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels. (INDEXED BY SCOPUS) ISSN: 0022 2755,
  3. TITLE:- Experimental work on process parameters of Hybrid Electric Discharge Machining. JOURNAL:-Scope Journal. ISSN: 11775653,Volume-13, Issue-3, Nov 2023. (INDEXED BY SCOPUS)
  4. TITLE:- Experimental work on the low Reynolds number Behaviour of 2-hole offset probes. JOURNAL:- International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 8958,Volume-9, Issue-5, June 2020. (INDEXED BY SCOPUS)
  5. TITLE:- The Effect of low Reynolds number on coefficient of S-type pitot tube with the variation in port to port distance.

JOURNAL:- Materials Today: Proceedings , ISSN: 2214-7853 , Volume/Issue – 45P9(2021) pp. 7810 7815 (INDEXED BY SCOPUS) REF NO :- MATPR-20876

  1. TITLE:- The Impact of low Reynolds number on coefficient of probe at different different angle of S-type pitot tube. JOURNAL:- Materials Today: Proceedings (INDEXED BY SCOPUS) REF NO : – MATPR-24973
  2. TITLE:- The Experimental analysis on effect of low Reynolds number on probe coefficient having different-2 intertube spacing of S-type probe.

JOURNAL:- Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Published in Volume 9 Issue 4 , April-2022 , ISSN(2349-5162) Paper ID- JETIR2204075 (UGC APPROVED, GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION) 8. TITLE:-To Study and Analysis on Performance of Regenerative Breaking System.

JOURNAL:- Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Published in Volume 10 , Issue 3 , March-2023 Paper ID- JETIR2303366 (UGC APPROVED, GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION)

  1. TITLE:-The Effect of Wood Ash on the Workability , Water Absorption , Compressive Strength in Cement Mortar.

JOURNAL:- International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology(IJMTST), A Registered Enterprise With Ministry of MSME, Govt. Of India, Published in Volume 9 , Issue 4 , ISSN (2455-3778 ) Paper ID- IJMTST0904142 ELSEVIER (SCOPUS), UGC , GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION)

  1. TITLE:-Investigation and Optimization on use of Wood Ash as partial Cement Replacement in Cement Mortar.

JOURNAL:- International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Published in Volume 11 , Issue 3 , ISSN (2321-9653 ) Paper ID- IJRASET49807 (UGC APPROVED, GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION)

  1. TITLE:-Investigation The Effect On Coefficient of Filled and Unfilled Port to Port Dimension with Plaster of Paris of Two Holes Offset Probe . (Accepted)

JOURNAL:- International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Published in Volume 11 , Issue 3 , ISSN (2321-9653 ) (UGC APPROVED, GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION) Paper ID- IJRASET49908.

  1. TITLE:-Experimental Work on Effect pf Wood Waste Material (Wood Ash) on the porosity, Thermal Cycling and Workability in Mortar.

JOURNAL:- International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology(IJMTST), A Registered Enterprise With Ministry of MSME, Govt. Of India , Published in Volume 9 , Issue 4 , ISSN (2455-3778 ) ELSEVIER (SCOPUS),UGC , GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION) Paper ID- IJMTST0904177

  1. TITLE:-Investigation On Salt Crystallization in Mortar by using wood waste material (wood ash). (Accepted)

JOURNAL:- International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Published in Volume 11 , Issue 3 , ISSN (2321-9653 ) (UGC APPROVED, GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION) Paper ID- IJRASET49953

  1. TITLE:-Investigation and Analysis on Energy Efficient stable Election protocol (SEP) for WSN. JOURNAL:- International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Published in Volume 11 , Issue 6 , ISSN (2321-9653 ) Paper ID- IJRASET54311 (UGC APPROVED, GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION)
  2. TITLE:- A Study on Renewable Energy Generation with combination of Wind and Solar plant. (Accepted)

JOURNAL:- International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology(IJMTST), A Registered Enterprise With Ministry of MSME, Govt. Of India, Published in Volume 9 , Issue 4 , ISSN (2455-3778 ) ELSEVIER (SCOPUS) , ,UGC , GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITATION) Paper ID- IJMTST22527.


  1. Research paper presented in International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing, and Machining for Industry 4.0 (ICMMM 2.0) 9 & 10 October, 2020 in BANNARI AMMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TAMILNADU and technically sponsored by Materials Today: Proceedings and IOP.
  2. Research paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Futuristic trends on Materials and Manufacturing (ICFTMM) – 7 & 8 April, 2021 in Delhi Technical Campus And technically sponsored by Materials Today: Proceedings and IOP.
  3. Research paper presented in 2ND International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Systems (CIMS-2021)- 11 to13 November, 2021 in Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh and Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology , Jalandhar .


  1. Attend a faculty development program on research trends of artificial intelligence in engineering and business management in Echelon institute of technology, Faridabad .
  2. Attend a faculty development program on -on Approach organized by department of computer science and engineering in Echelon institute of technology, Faridabad .
  3. Attend a One Week faculty development program on Research Methodology organized by department of computer science and Computer Application under aegis of Institutions Innovation Council in Echelon institute of technology, Faridabad, Haryana.
  4. Attend a One Week workshop program on MATLAB organized by NITTR Chandigarh.

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